Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kanawha County Public Library Book Festival 2008

The West Virginia Storytelling Guild booth at the Kanawha County Library Book Festival, October 11 & 12, 2008.

Donna Wilson

The always delightful, Donna Wilson, did not disappoint us with her dramatic tales!

Granny Sue Holstein

Never to be outdone, Granny Sue told some great stories, hosted our Guild booth and worked the Used Book Sale.

Donna Washington

Donna Washington from North Carolina was our guest teller. She was excellent!

Jo Ann Dadisman

Jo Ann Dadisman did a great job of telling stories! She, also, taught writing a workshop.

Rich Knoblich

Rich Knoblich told stories and promoted his book.

Bill Hariston

Bill Hairston acted as host to welcome Festival goers. He knows everyone!

Granny Sue greets visitors at the booth.

South Charleston Public Library booth

and played!

And played...

And then they played...

The Storybook Parade makes it's rounds through the Civic Center.

Susanna's grandson, Jarrid, stoppped by for a chat. Good looking guy, huh? He's not just handsome, he is also a Bible scholar and a gentleman. Top notch kid!


Every year The West Virginia Storytelling Guild is honored to be a part of the Kanawha County Library Book Festival...thanks mostly to Susanna Holstein. This is a photo of our booth. We had a great location at the very front of the room.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Jonesborough, TN 2008

The National Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN, October 3 &4, 2008
Donna Wilson tells "Talleypo" in the "Swappin'
Grounds at Jonesborough, TN.

The Swappin' Grounds

I traveled to The National Storytelling Festival with Donna Wilson, a fellow teller from Middleport, OH. My daughter-in-love, Sandy, met us there. We had a grand ole time and totally exhausted ourselves!

While all the storytelling was going on, this lovely, little lady just wanted to take a break and read a good book.


It's always fun to tell at the "Swappin' Grounds". I always like to tell a good story there out of respect for the fine folks of the Jonesborough Guild. I have made many friends in Jonesborough.